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St Jude's Church of England Primary School

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A warm welcome to St Jude's Churoch

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Welcome to St. Jude's Church of England Primary School, part of the Four Saints' Partnership with Peterhills and St Peter's, where we break down barriers.

St Jude's is a school where things are done differently. We pride ourselves on knowing each individual child and we make sure our curriculum is tailored to meet their needs. We recognise primary education is so much more than Maths and English and we believe every child deserves to have the best possible start to school. With this in mind, we strive to deliver experiences that focus on the whole child. Our driving ambition is to help our children break down the barriers that hinder them realising their full potential. We intend to equip them with skills to overcome obstacles.

               Casey Penn                                 Matt Jones

                                   Co Headteachers

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