St Jude's Church of England Primary School

Birch Class (Year 3/4)

Year 3/4 is a great year for many reasons! We ensure that learning is fun and engaging; whether this is through the use of Kagan cooperative learning structures, trips or hands-on activities to excite young minds.

In Maths, children are able to use their basic skills to support with their understanding when problem-solving and explaining their solutions. Through practical experiences, children are able to explore the real-life context behind calculations. In English, we encourage children to be independent and creative writers. We explore a range of non-fiction and fiction genres in more detail; studying a range of texts and look at themes of emotion in popular fiction.

Science is a core skill, one where children are able to develop a range of skills in order to answer questions about the world around them, including organising, recording, observing, testing, enquiring and investigating.


Birch Timetable 2022-2023 Long Term Plan 2022-2023